We have just finished selling products to assist Children of Destiny, an organization that currently supports 28 orphans between the ages of 4 and 16. Children of Destiny was founded by Margaret Mponda and is located in Moshi, Tanzania. Unfortunately, the organization has not gained sufficient funds to keep up with operating costs and needs financial support for the needs of the children. The baskets we sold were handmade in Tanzania to support Children of Destiny. 100% of the profits on the baskets went back to the organization to support operation and projects to better enrich the children. Currently projects that need funding include the building of a vegetable garden and purchasing of two cars. The end goal for the projects is to purchase 3 acres of land in Tanzania so the organization will not have to worry about rent. The local support through these sales was overwhelming. We greatly appreciate everyone's contributions to this project . If you wish to further support Margaret and the kids, visit www.childrenofdestinyfoundation.org to make a direct donation.